
Russian victory day parade 2015
Russian victory day parade 2015

russian victory day parade 2015 russian victory day parade 2015

The following countries opted not to participate in this year's parade in Moscow, although most sent their respective ambassadors as part of the diplomatic corps: Australia, Belarus (which held its own victory day celebrations on the same day), Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, United States, Finland, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia, Japan. A number of World War II veterans from the US and UK were present at the victory day celebrations as private attendees. A number of EU countries including the Czech Republic, Hungary and Greece came under US and/or EU pressure not to attend the Victory Day Parade due to the 2014 annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the subsequent War in Donbass, resulting in Czech President Miloš Zeman subsequently banning the US ambassador from functions at Prague Castle. The UK was represented by the grandson of World War II leader British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Nicholas Soames. In all, around 30 international leaders attended the parade, including heads of UNESCO and the Council of Europe, with invitations having been sent to 68 heads of state.

russian victory day parade 2015

It is estimated that up to 12 million Russians participated nationwide in the 2015 March of the Immortal Regiment. The Moscow leg of this parade, which is an annual Victory Day tradition called the March of the Immortal Regiment and observed in numerous other Russian cities and in several other countries, was led by President Putin whose father served during the war.

russian victory day parade 2015

I tillegg til tropper fra den russiske føderasjonen, var også 1300 tropper fra 10 fremmede land på parade, inkludert kontingenter fra Kina, India, Serbia og Mongolia, alle fire landene gjorde sin første opptreden i en russisk Victory Day-parade.įollowing the official parade, over 500,000 Russians and foreign attendees marched through central Moscow in commemoration of those who perished and those who survived World War II. Oberst general Oleg Salyukov, øverstkommanderende for de russiske bakkestyrkene, var 2015-sjefen. Som en landemerke-jubileumsparade som hedrer 70-årsjubileet for den allierte seieren på det europeiske kontinentet, var paraden i 2015 den største og mest overdådige som ble arrangert i russisk historie. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin delivered his twelfth holiday address to the nation on this day, right after the parade inspection that was presided by Minister of Defense General of the Army Sergey Shoygu. The annual parade marks the Allied victory in the Second World War at the Eastern Front, on the same day as the signing of the German act of capitulation to the Allies in Berlin, at midnight of (Russian time). The 2015 Moscow Victory Day Parade was a parade that took place in Red Square in Moscow on to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi Germany in 1945.

Russian victory day parade 2015